Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Social Media Extremely Impacts Youth

        When thinking of social media, it is common to link it to teenagers or young adults, but social media is in fact also strongly impacts the youth of our society. Think about when you see a mother and her child in a cart at the grocery store, in order to keep that child distracted and "not bored" during grocery shopping, the mother commonly give the child a tablet or her phone to play with for the time being. With this, the child is exposed to potentially explicit content. The mother is distracted with grocery shopping, and she is not monitoring what her child is doing on her phone. The youth of our society is growing up in a very technologically savvy world. Replacing face-to-face conversation with texting and group chatting is ruining our people skills. If we do not steer the youth of today's society away from social media addictions, we could have a serious issue coming in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I also believe that social media impacts the youth too for many reasons.


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