Sunday, October 1, 2017

Social Media is Detrimental

      On the contrary to social media being a benefit to today's society, it can also be viewed as being a burden on our society. I know people in my life who HATE social media. They view it as a waste of time, space, and money. Social media can be used and also abused. Some users of social media are using it for all the wrong reasons.
     Social media is a birthplace of online bullying. I know that this can be argued, but I see this as a major concern for parents of young children in today's age. There are kids who are hiding behind their computer screens and saying terrible things to other people online. The online world is a place where they do not have to see the face of the person who they are hurting, that's why social media can be a place of negativity to some.
     Social media is replacing face to face interaction and wiping children of their conversational skills. Young teenagers and children are so consumed with technology and social media, that I believe they are losing all skills on how to hold a conversation without checking for new notifications. It is disgusting to me in fact. I see social media as a benefit to our society, but not when it is used and abused like it is occasionally.

Social Media Affects Mental Health


  1. I really like that you're also talking about the negatives in social media, it's really important for people to understand that while social media has its benefits that there is also potential for bad things to happen. Good post!!

  2. I strongly agree with what you mentioned about the use of social media. The social media when I started to use was for keeping in touch my friends. Now still remain the aspects but I feel like some post on the social media are over the common senses...

  3. Great post! I agree with your notions on Social Media. Its sad that Social Media is putting real life conversations and interactions & that children would much rather prefer online technology rather than toys.

  4. I agree that it can be a positive or negative thing in our society based on how it is used. You brought up some valid points voiced your opinion well.


Social Media - Mental Health

Social Media Affects Mental Health